The best things to do in San Francisco for an amazing trip.

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California’s High Speed Train Arriving Soon?

March 25th, 2010 · environment, Green, san francisco, Transportation, Travel News

High Speed Train - San Francisco to Los Angeles

High Speed Train - San Francisco to Los Angeles

The drive between San Francisco and Los Angeles can be draining. The drive can take anywhere from 5-9 hours depending on what type of traffic you hit along the way (and where in Los Angeles you’re heading). For the most part, the scenery along this drive is boring. Sure, there are some pretty hills but five or more hours is a long time to look at the same hills. You do have the option of taking the scenic route along the coastline but then you double the amount of time that it takes you to get between these two great cities. Imagine if you could make this trip in less than three hours without having to drive yourself. And what if it would cost you less than it costs to fly or drive between the two cities? That’s exactly what could happen in the future with the development of the new High Speed Rail connecting San Francisco to Los Angeles.

Overview of the California High Speed Rail Authority Project

The project that is going to make this happen is called the California High Speed Rail Authority Project (CHSRA). It is a project that has received billions of dollars in funding so far with the purpose to be building a high-speed train that would connect the San Francisco Bay Area with the city of Los Angeles. Currently the project is in the planning stage. However, construction is expected to begin in 2011. It is believed that the project will take about 8-11 years to complete before it becomes a functional train that riders can use. Once in place, the train ride between the two cities should last approximately two-and-a-half hours and should cost approximately $40 – $55, which is less than the cost of driving in many vehicles.

Reasons People Love this Project

Many people are very excited about the development of the high speed train option. Some of the reasons that people love this project include:

  • Quick commute between the two cities. The biggest benefit of the high speed train is that it would make the trip between Los Angeles and San Francisco much faster. This would be a great benefit to residents of either city who would be able to easily visit the other city for the weekend or even the day. People who are interested in living in one city but commuting to the other would potentially have that option whereas they don’t have that choice now.
  • Better tourism. The fact that the commute between these two cities would be so short also has the potential to improve tourism in both areas. Many people would love to visit both cities but don’t want to take the time to travel from one to the other and back again during their vacation. The high speed train would be a fun, quick, affordable option, which means that people visiting one area would also likely visit the other.
  • Enjoying the scenery. As mentioned before, the scenery between Los Angeles and San Francisco consists of pretty hills but they’re not too fun to enjoy for hours and hours in a car. In contrast, you could look out a high speed train window for a couple of hours and really enjoy this view.
  • Green choice. Many people are excited about this project because it’s a green travel option for people who want to go between these two cities. It’s obviously a lot better for the earth for people to all be on a single train together than to be in their separate cars commuting between these two large cities. High speed trains are also more energy-efficient than planes.
  • It’s what many other cities offer. High speed trains are used in Asia and Europe. In fact, a recent project will connect these two long-distance areas by high speed train. Adding a high speed train to the United States between these two major California cities would help to put us on par with international travel standards.
  • The project creates jobs. In addition to the benefits for travelers, the project will benefit California residents by creating over 150,000 construction jobs over the next ten years. The project will also create long-term jobs.
  • The people want it. Finally, people are supportive of this project because their friends and neighbors are supportive of it. In 2008, California voters agreed through Prop 1A that they wanted to spend nearly $10 billion in state money on this project.

Complaints People Have About this Project

Not everyone is supportive of this project. Even people who do like the idea of it have some concerns and complaints about the way that it’s been planned. Some of the complaints that people have about this project include:

  • It’s very expensive. A 2008 report called The California High Speed Rail Proposal: A Due Diligence Report estimates that this project could cost more than $80 billion! That’s a lot of money. The project may cost less than this but it will still cost many billions of dollars, which will be paid in large part by the taxpayers. Not everyone is supportive of the project for this reason even though it does have the potential to increase tourism income in the state. One argument against this concern is that we have to do something to handle the influx of traffic in the state and this option isn’t any more expensive (and may even be more profitable) than building new airports or highways.
  • Concerns that people won’t ride it. Many people are concerned that the train won’t get the type of use out of it that it needs to justify its cost. The Rail Authority has predicted that over 60 million people will use it annually by 2030 but the same Due Diligence report says it may only be a third of that.
  • The train isn’t ready yet. There is currently no high speed train in existence that reaches the speed of 220 mph that is the project’s goal and yet also meet’s the safety standards of the project. Many people are concerned that this just isn’t going to be a reality.
  • Some people are afraid of high speed trains. Although these trains are used in other parts of the world, not all U.S. residents are used to them. The idea of being on a train that travels at over 200 mph still frightens some people. In actuality, it is probably a lot safer to travel in a high speed train than in a car on California highways but this fear does still deter people from considering this to be a viable option for traveling between cities.

Imagining the Future

This high speed train between San Francisco and Los Angeles is in the works. Construction should begin next year. Although the ten or so years that it takes for the project to be completed sounds like a really long time, it’s going to go by in the blink of an eye. When it is ready, this high speed train is going to provide a cost-effective, green transportation option for people who wish to travel between San Francisco and Los Angeles. Imagine getting on the train in San Francisco, reading a book or taking a nap or checking out the scenery for a couple of hours and then arriving in Los Angeles. That is going to be our future!

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It’s Not Too Early To Start Planning for Outside Lands Music Festival

March 11th, 2010 · Activities, san francisco

Outside Lands San Francisco Festival

Outside Lands San Francisco Festival

San Francisco’s Outside Lands music and arts festival is a relatively young festival. The 2011 event is only going to be its fourth year in a row. Despite this, it is one of the most popular outdoor music festivals in Northern California. Set in the beautiful Golden Gate Park, this festival is in close proximity to a number of wonderful attractions. Planning your trip to the event now can help to guarantee that you have enough time to see the city as well as enough time to enjoy the three days of live music that you’re there to see. Plus, planning now will help you to get the best hotel room located close to the festival!

What is San Francisco’s Outside Lands Music Festival?

The Outside Lands music festival is an outdoor music festival that is held at Golden Gate Park in San Francisco. It’s a summer event that will be held in August. This festival is more than just a music festival, though. It’s a three-day event celebrating many different types of art and live performance. Although music is the big draw (with past headliners including Pearl Jam, Incubus, the Black Eyed Peas and Dave Matthews Band) there are also many different arts activities to participate in during the long weekend. Moreover, this is a green festival with a number of opportunities to enjoy eco-friendly activities and education.

Outside Lands Concert Festival

Outside Lands Concert Festival

Best Hotels for Outside Lands Visitors

One of the things that you will want to make sure to do in advance is to plan which San Francisco hotel you want to stay at. Some people want to stay as close to the park as possible. This allows them to be in close walking distance to the event. It’s nice to be positioned this way so that you can go to and from the event over the course of the three days, heading back to the hotel to rest as needed. However, staying at a hotel near the park isn’t your only option. If you stay at a hotel in the Financial District or Union Square area, you’ll be very close to the underground MUNI buses that can take you straight to the event. Some visitors prefer this option because they want to stay in the city’s best hotels in these popular neighborhoods.

The best San Francisco hotels for Outside Lands visitors who want to be close to the park are:

  • OceanView Motel. Located on Judah Street, this motel offers a good opportunity to have an ocean view during your stay in the city. It is located on the west end of Golden Gate Park so it’s a short walk to the Outside Lands festival. The motel itself is nothing to speak of (and first-time visitors should know that it gets really chilly out by the ocean, even in August) but if you’re hoping to stay near the water then this is a good choice.
  • Stanyan Park Hotel. This hotel is located at the Eastern end of Golden Gate Park, which also means that it’s within nice walking distance to the festival. It’s a small hotel housed in a historic building. It tends to be quiet which is a relief for some Outside Lands festival attendees although others would prefer a more party atmosphere.
  • Red Victorian. This hotel is located right on Haight Street, a short walk from the East end of Golden Gate Park. If you want to do some thrift store shopping and browsing for vinyl during your stay then you might as well stay here because it’s all within walking distance from your hotel’s front door.

The best San Francisco hotels for Outside Lands visitors who want to be downtown or near Union Square are:

  • Parc 55. There isn’t much to say about this hotel because everything about it is perfect. It’s got the right location, amazing rooms, terrific amenities, stunning views … If you want a terrific San Francisco hotel then you simply can’t go wrong with this one.
  • Hotel Palomar. Are you going to be bringing your pooch with you to San Francisco to spend the weekend outside? If so then you will want to stay in one of the city’s best pet-friendly hotels. This Union Square hotel goes above and beyond for your pets. It’s an artsy hotel, which is just the right mood that you want for your stay during Outside Lands.
  • Orchard Hotel. Many people attending Outside Lands really want to stay in a boutique hotel. These are people who like artistic, creative, unique things. The Orchard Hotel does not disappoint.
  • W Hotel. Of course, not everyone wants to stay in a boutique hotel. Some people are seeking a five-star experience from a name that they know well. Enjoy the swanky luxury of the W in the evenings after spending all day in the park listening to music.

What Else to See in Golden Gate Park

Japanese Tea Garden San Francisco

Japanese Tea Garden San Francisco

Outside Lands Music and Arts Festival is located in Golden Gate Park. The event itself is going to give you plenty to do but if you’ve got some extra time to check out the rest of the park then you should. Golden Gate Park is truly an amazing public space with lots to see. Some of the highlights that you won’t want to miss out on while you are there include the Japanese Tea Gardens, the Conservatory of Flowers, the Rose Garden, the Botanical Gardens, the bison enclosure, the California Academy of Sciences and the DeYoung Museum.

Other Attractions in the Neighboring Area

Golden Gate Park holds many treasures for you to enjoy but you might want to get out and about away from the park for a little while. That’s not a problem since there are so many wonderful San Francisco attractions located really close to the festival. Be sure to check out the shopping and dining of Haight Street, of course. Hike out to the ocean and visit the ruins of the Sutro Baths. Catch a movie at the Red Vic Movie House, a co-op owned second-run theatre with booth seats and popcorn served in wooden bowls. Take a bus over to Hayes Valley, a cute little neighborhood filled with boutique stores and great restaurants. Do some shopping down at Union Square. Enjoy the city!

Tips for Truly Enjoying Outside Lands 2010

Some final tips for making sure that your Outside Lands 2010 festival is amazing:

  • Wear layers. San Francisco weather is unpredictable. It can go from cold to hot in the span of minutes. Wear layers to make yourself as comfy as possible.
  • Bring comfortable walking shoes. There’s no point in trying to park or drive in the area with so many people around for the festival. Plan to use public transportation instead.
  • Book your hotel in advance. They fill up quickly in the summer especially during festival time.
  • Get festival tickets for all three days. It’s better to just pay for all three days in advance and see all of the bands that you are interested in than to try to figure out which single day to pay for.
  • Go for a whole week. The festival will take up all of your time. Make the trip more relaxing and see more of the sights by going for an entire week. San Francisco is amazing; it’s worth it.

Have a great time!

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Why you should never, ever stay in a San Francisco hotel…

February 22nd, 2010 · san francisco, sausalito



San Francisco is an amazing city. It’s filled with a lot of interesting activities. And there are hundreds of hotels to choose from here. So why wouldn’t you ever stay in a San Francisco hotel? Because you can get a much more interesting travel experience if you stay in a Sausalito hotel instead.

Sausalito, a small city that lies just on the other side of the Golden Gate Bridge, is a wonderfully relaxing destination. You will still be located close to anything that you may want to do while you’re in San Francisco. However, your experience of a serene vacation will be turned up a notch when you stay in Sausalito.

Take a look at these ten reasons that a Sausalito hotel is always a better choice than a San Francisco hotel is.

  1. Sausalito is rich with charm.  This is probably one of the most charming towns that you’ll ever visit. It has small town feel with the liberal attitude of the Bay Area. Sausalito welcomes in creative folks from all walks of life. This is no place where you’ll be bothered by starving artists begging you for change, though. Sausalito is an upscale town that is rich with charm and elegance.
  2. The intimacy lets you actually meet artists and store owners. Being a small town, there is a sense of intimacy in Sausalito. When you enter a gallery to look at the art work, the artist will actually be there in the room and willing to talk to you. When you choose a souvenir gift from a small store, there’s a good chance that it will be wrapped by the store’s owner. San Francisco is a big city where you might not get the chance to rub shoulders with interesting residents. Sausalito is a small place where you’ll get to meet them all face to face.
  3. You’ll have easy access to interesting attractions. Most people don’t realize it but there are a lot of interesting things that you can do in Sausalito. There is the Sausalito Wooden Boat Tour where you not only get a historic tour but also get a chance to enjoy a waterside treasure hunt! There is the Bay Model where you can go to see how the entire Bay-Delta water system actually works. And there’s the Bay Area Discovery Museum which is fun for all ages.
  4. It will give you a unique experience of the Bay Area. No matter how many times you’ve been to San Francisco, you will discover something new about the Bay Area by staying in Sausalito. There’s a different feeling in the air over here, a dimension of Northern California that the rest of the Bay Area just doesn’t evoke. It will seem as though you’re visiting the area for the first time.
  5. It gives you an excuse to ferry to San Francisco. You will probably want to spend some of your time in San Francisco. It’s right across the bay from Sausalito so it’s easy to get there by car. However, it’s a lot more fun to go by ferry. Any excuse to take a ferry across the bay, soaking up the views of Alcatraz and the Golden Gate Bridge, is a good excuse in our book.
  6. Sausalito near San Francisco

    Sausalito near San Francisco

  7. The hotels here are of a higher caliber. There’s no doubt that there are a lot of great hotels in San Francisco. There are also a lot of not-so-great hotels there. It’s tough to know if the one that you’re choosing is the best hotel in the best neighborhood. You won’t have this problem when you stay in Sausalito. There are fewer hotels to choose from here and they are all of the highest possible caliber. You can’t go wrong.
  8. You’ll be closer to nicer beaches. Many people come to California to see the ocean. They’re a little bit disappointed when they visit San Francisco only to find that the ocean (which is at the end of a long trek across the city) is cold and usually unwelcoming. The beaches are a little bit nicer in the North Bay. Plus you have the bay itself where people enjoy boating and kayaking. Staying in Sausalito puts you a lot closer to this nicer water.
  9. It’s even easier to get around on foot or bicycle than it is in San Francisco. It’s true that you can get around San Francisco by walking or bicycling. However, it’s even truer that you can get around Sausalito this way. The smaller area and fewer crazy hills makes this a relaxing place to meander. You won’t need a rental car here.
  10. The evenings are quiet and peaceful so you experience maximum relaxation. Sausalito has things going on for you to enjoy. However, it’s not the type of town where there’s a club on every corner. The evenings here are quiet and relaxing. When you go on a vacation, you need to take some downtime to rejuvenate. You need to spend time just exploring a new place without a lot of noise. Sausalito offers exactly this type of refreshing escape.
  11. You get to see the view of the San Francisco skyline every day. San Francisco is a beautiful city. Sure, it’s beautiful close-up from within the city limits. However it’s even more beautiful when you’re standing slightly away from the city and taking in the whole skyline. You’ll be able to enjoy that wonderful view every single day when you decide to stay at a hotel in Sausalito.

So why wouldn’t you stay in a San Francisco hotel? Because you’ll be staying in Sausalito instead!

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The Walt Disney Family Museum blesses San Francisco with its magic…

February 15th, 2010 · Activities, san francisco

Walt Disney Museum San Francisco

Walt Disney Museum San Francisco

Do you love all things Disney? Do you enjoy visiting museums to learn more about the things that you love? Are you curious about the details of the creative life? Would you like to check out a new family-friendly activity in San Francisco? You don’t have to answer yes to all of these questions to enjoy the Walt Disney Family Museum; you just need to be intrigued by at least one of them. That’s because this new San Francisco museum is a great treat for a number of different types of travelers who might want to check it out.

The Basics about the Walt Disney Family Museum

The Walt Disney Family Museum opened in the Presidio neighborhood in late 2009. It is designed to share with you the detailed, interesting life history of Walt Disney, a man we all know was a creative entrepreneur but about whose life most of us actually know very little. The museum is housed in the different historic buildings which are themselves of interesting to many people in San Francisco. Great for folks of all ages, this museum not only has permanent galleries but also hosts many special events to keep you interested no matter how many times you might visit here.

The Museum’s Ten Permanent Galleries

The Walt Disney Family Museum is set up with ten permanent galleries that will take you through the life and creative work of Walt Disney himself. Those ten galleries, presented in chronological order are:

  1. His First Days. If you’ve ever wondered how this man got his start then you should go all the way back to the early days of his childhood. The first museum gallery will tell you about that.
  2. Moving to Hollywood. It took some hard work for Walt Disney to get his start. He moved to Hollywood and tried to make it. This gallery shows you those first days in Hollywood and takes you through the time when Mickey Mouse was “born”.
  3. The Mickey Mouse Days. Mickey Mouse was developed and explored throughout the 1930’s. It’s interesting to see how that happened in this gallery.
  4. Feature Length Films. Walt Disney eventually started making feature-length films starting with Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. This is the gallery that true Disney fans are really going to love.
  5. The Million Dollar Turning Point. Snow White was so successful that Walt Disney was finally making millions of dollars. That meant that he could unleash his creativity without limitation. See what he did first with that in this gallery.
  6. Rough Times. You might think that Walt Disney was living on easy street after that but you’d be wrong. World War II combined with a long artists’ strike made for rough times at Walt Disney Studios in the 1940;s. Learning about how this was overcome is definitely inspiring.
  7. Getting Back on Track. This gallery describes the nitty-gritty details of how the studios got back on track after those rough times.
  8. Nature Documentaries. Did you know that Walt Disney did a series of really fascinating nature documentaries? This gallery is great for anyone who is green-minded.
  9. On TV. Television came into people’s homes in the 1950’s and 1960’s and Walt Disney found ways to come along with it.
  10. The End. The final gallery is about the end of Walt Disney’s life. He may be gone but his legacy clearly lives on and every room of this museum celebrates that fact.

10 Things to do at the Walt Disney Family Museum

Walt Disney San Francisco Musem

Walt Disney San Francisco Musem

Of course when you visit this all ages museum your main purpose in doing so will be to check out those gallery displays. However there are a lot of other things that you can do while you’re here as well. Ten other activities to enjoy at the Walt Disney Family Museum are:

  1. See a movie. A Walt Disney museum wouldn’t be complete if you couldn’t view movies there, right? The museum has a state-of-the-art digital theatre where movies are screened regularly.
  2. Hear a lecture. In addition to film screenings, the museum offers lectures that can provide you with additional insight into Walt Disney and his work.
  3. Listen to music. An interesting dimension of this museum is that they host live music events here as well. What a treat!
  4. Buy something from the museum store. The store here is a great place where you can get Walt Disney items that you don’t normally see in regular stores. It’s a treat just to browse here as well.
  5. Get a great meal. The cafe at the Walt Disney Family Museum isn’t just any regular cafe. It’s a Wolfgang Puck restaurant. Yum.
  6. Relax in the courtyard. This museum has a beautiful courtyard area where it’s enjoyable to relax between viewing the galleries.
  7. Go on a Disney Discovery Day. The museum offers some great interactive and art opportunities throughout the month.
  8. Learn about Walt + Technology. The technology behind Walt Disney’s creations, and the way that technology has changed over time, is a really interesting topic that you can learn more about.
  9. Take a class. Pretty soon the new museum is going to start offering classes for both kids and adults. They’ll also be offering a kids’ summer camp. Be one of the first to sign up!
  10. Check the calendar. There’s an online calendar that you can use to find out what else is going on at the museum.

The Museum Buildings and Location

The Walt Disney Family Museum is located in the Presidio, a beautiful part of San Francisco that a lot of people fail to fully explore. The museum is housed in three historic buildings – the offices, the storage area and the public gallery itself – in the midst of this beautiful area. One portion of the public gallery is in historic barracks that date back to the nineteenth century. However, there’s a beautiful addition to this area as well in the form of a U-shaped steel and glass building. Once you’re done at the museum, you should definitely time to explore the Presidio or even take the short walk over to the Golden Gate Bridge.

Birth of Mickey Mouse - Disney Museum

Birth of Mickey Mouse - Disney Museum

What you Need to Know

Other things you might need to know if you want to visit this great museum are:

  • Cost. Admission tickets are timed-entry tickets. They cost $20 for adults, $15 for seniors and students, $12.50 for kids 6-17 and free for kids under 6. You can become a member and get free entry with your membership. Tickets can be purchased on-site or online up to 60 days in advance of your visit.
  • Address. The museum is located at The Presidio of San Francisco, 104 Montgomery Street. Note that if you just try to find 104 Montgomery Street on a map you’re going to end up in a different part of town. Make sure that you’re in the Presidio. Google Map here.
  • Getting There and Parking. You can drive directly to the museum and park in the museum’s parking lot. Alternatively public transportation will get you there. Use 511 transit to plan your route.
  • Hours. The museum is open from 10-6 daily except for Tuesdays when it’s closed. The museum is also closed on select major holidays.

Have fun! Official website link – Walt Disney Family Museum

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Get your pets into San Francisco hotels.

January 23rd, 2010 · Hotel Reviews

Pet-Friendly Hotels in San Francisco

Pet-Friendly Hotels in San Francisco

Pet friendly hotels can be tough to find and with limited choices. After our last trip to San Francisco – we built this list of some of the best pet-friendly hotels in San Francisco. We got tired of accepting whatever hotel would take us with our dog and cat – no matter how small or well-behaved. After some more detailed research – we built this list of GREAT hotels that will be a fun place for you and all your pets. Don’t hesitate to write on other hotels or pet-friendly (or unfriendly) experiences you’ve had around San Francisco. In a way – all pet owners help to set the standard of how we treat hotels with our pets. Like an outdoor hike – our motto is to leave things better than when we came – as if there was no pet at all.

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Fox Theatre Is Worth the BART Ride to Oakland

December 16th, 2009 · Activities

Fox Theater Oakland from Flickr @ BWChicago

Fox Theater Oakland from Flickr @ BWChicago

There are many wonderful and amazing things to do within the city of San Francisco. You can spend every day of the year within the city limits and never regret that you didn’t leave this small 50 square mile place. However you shouldn’t become so enraptured by the wonder of the city that you fail to check out some of the interesting things that are to be found in the surrounding Bay Area. One of the things that is definitely worth checking out is the Fox Theatre in Oakland. It’s just a quick BART ride over to Oakland and it gives you the chance to enjoy modern performance art as well as to experience a bit of the Bay Area’s wonderful history. While there are many amazing theaters in San Francisco – the Fox is not to be missed across the Bay in Oakland.

What is Oakland’s Fox Theatre?

The Fox Theatre in Oakland is a historic theatre that opened in the 1920’s. It was a famous place where people came to see the first movies that were being shown in big, beautiful theaters. It was a place of romance, whimsy and entertainment. Today this theatre has been renovated and re-opened for you to enjoy. These days it isn’t a movie theatre. It is a place where you can go to hear live music. It is home to a local arts school. And it is a landmark that shows off some of the best architectural and arts history in the Bay Area.

Fox Theater from Flickr @ BWChicago CC 2.0 Attribution

Fox Theater from Flickr @ BWChicago CC 2.0 Attribution

The History of Oakland’s Fox Theatre

The Fox Theatre opened during the Roaring 20’s (in 1928 to be specific). This was a thoroughly exciting time in the history of the Bay Area. The flappers were in full force. Entertainment was everywhere. People wanted to go out and have a good time. One of the best places to do that was a great theatre. The Fox Theatre opened its doors and immediately became a place where people wanted to go to enjoy themselves. There were live stage performances here as well as musical performances on the Mighty Wurlitzer. However the main thing that people came to see was movies. This was the era of the first talking movies. It was a time when the glamour of Hollywood was starting to spill forth from the silver screen. It was an amazing time and this was a terrific venue to take it all in.

The Fox Theatre, located in the shopping district of downtown Oakland, managed to survive for over thirty years. However the 1960’s were a tough time for movie theaters. This was the time when people started getting televisions in their own homes. They weren’t as inclined to go to the movies anymore. A lot of great movie theaters had to close their doors during this period of history. The Fox Theatre was no exception. It shut down in 1966 making a lot of people quite sad to see it go. The sadness continued over the next one dozen years as the building became increasingly damaged by fires, rain and general decay. There was a lot of talk about shutting it down.

In 1978 the building was saved from ruin. It was declared a historical landmark because even then people were starting to realize how integral this building was to the history of the Bay Area. Nevertheless, there wasn’t any investment in rebuilding the Fox Theatre for a long time to come. It went through a number of different owners and rebuilding and restoration did not begin until recently. Luckily, the Fox Theatre has now once again opened its doors to the public!

The Architecture of the Fox Theatre

The rich history of the Fox Theatre is a great reason to visit this building. However there’s an even better reason; you just might want to see it. The architecture of this building is amazing. The detailed domed roof and amazing indoor paintings were among some of the most important reasons that people were initially drawn to this theatre back in the 1920’s. These things have been restored to their former glory so that visitors to the theatre can enjoy them today. There are certainly a lot of wonderful historic buildings in the San Francisco Bay Area but that doesn’t mean that each one isn’t impressive in its own right. This is definitely a building to be noticed (and photographed!)

What Can You Do at the Fox Theatre Today?

The main attraction of the reopened venue is the live music that you can see performed here. This is a wonderful venue for hearing live music. It is not only beautiful but it is perfectly sized – small enough to be intimate but large enough to get some big names coming through. The Fox Theatre is also home to a local arts school and can be rented out for private events so you might come here for any of these things. You might even just come here to wander around the historic building and learn more about its history.

While you are here you should be sure to check out The Den at Fox Theatre which is the new restaurant that has opened within the building. It’s an upscale lounge-style restaurant where you can eat an array of tasty appetizers or enjoy a drink at the bar. You can soak in the ambience of this great building while waiting for a show to start or you can even just stop in here and enjoy the bar on a lazy afternoon.

Getting to the Fox Theatre

It is easy to get to the Fox Theatre in Oakland. Most people who are coming from San Francisco will want to take BART. Simply get off at the 19th Street Oakland station. You will be located one block away from the theatre. It’s location is 1807 Telegraph Hill which is just west of the BART station. There are many hotels and restaurants in this area if you prefer to spend some time here instead of visiting theaters in San Francisco.

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Ultimate Guide to Green San Francisco

November 26th, 2009 · Green, san francisco

Windmill San Francisco

Windmill San Francisco

San Francisco is a city that is pretty well known for its eco-friendly efforts. There are a lot of green things going on here. There is more than just a general mindset here that you should try to be kind to the earth. San Francisco is truly cutting edge in its adoption of being green. The city has banned plastic bags from being used at grocery stores, supports farmers’ markets like almost no other city in the world, has implemented a citywide composting program and offers a recycled art program at its local dump. Like everything else in the city, San Franciscans do green with style and fun. This guide will let you in on all of the great fun things that there are to do in the city which are designed to be green and how to enjoy them in an eco-friendly manner.

San Francisco’s Most Fun Green Buildings

There are buildings in San Francisco that go above and beyond in their green quotient. These aren’t just buildings that meet LEED standards. These are buildings that you want to go to specifically because what they offer is cool greenness. Some of the most fun green buildings in San Francisco are:

  • EcoCenter. If you’re really interested in green stuff then you’ll be interested in the eco-education provided at this new building that is being constructed in the Hunter’s Point neighborhood. This interesting neighborhood has a bad reputation but it’s actually a neat place for cutting-edge art and city projects. The EcoCenter, which is in its final stages of development, is the city’s first 100% off grid building. It features solar energy, a living roof, native plant landscaping and many other aspects of green building. Events here tend to be of the artsy variety and are usually fun for all ages.
  • Crissy Field Center. If you’re looking for something that’s specifically geared towards children then you’ll want to check out the educational earth-friendly events that are happening at this great place. The building itself is a historic building that’s been sustainably renovated. The activities here are all designed to educate kids about eco-stuff in a fun way. And the center is located a national park near Golden Gate Bridge so the setting is idyllic.
  • Adobe. If nerdy fun is more your style then head over to the Adobe Systems offices located South of Market and take a class or workshop in Adobe programs. The building that you will take your class in is a high-ranking LEED certified building that implements a variety of different green building techniques into its design.
  • Golden Gate Park Windmills. Technically these aren’t buildings but they’re definitely big green structures in San Francisco that are fun to go take a look at. There is a movement to restore these windmills to working order so that they can actually provide wind energy for the city.  For now they’re a neat thing to take a look at when you’re in the park and a good place to snap some pictures at during your trip to San Francisco.
  • Parque Ninos Unidos. Golden Gate Park is the most interesting park in the city but it’s not the only one. There is a small park in the Mission which has a great little community center for kids. The community center is located inside of a green building which uses natural lighting and recycled content in its design.
  • EpiCenter Med Spa. There are a lot of salons and med spas located throughout the world that pride themselves on using healthy, organic materials in their spa treatments. However, not many of them can say that their buildings are also green. This one can. It was built using recycled fabrics, eco-friendly paints and a highly energy-efficient design plan.
  • Orchard Hotel. If you’re just visiting San Francisco then you might want to stay at a green hotel. The best green boutique hotel in the city is the Orchard Hotel. This is a luxury hotel that is totally green from floor to ceiling.

San Francisco’s Most Fun Green Programs and Events

San Francisco doesn’t just have buildings that are green. It also has a lot of green events and programs. Some of the best eco-friendly events and community programs include:

  • The Green Festival. You can’t get any greener than an entire festival devoted to green stuff. This annual event hosts green educators, green vendors and green artists.
  • Pedal-Powered Music Festival. This is a musical event that is entirely powered by the energy of peddling bicycles. It I the largest bike-powered music festival in the world and one of the most interesting annual events in San Francisco. And it’s free to attend.
  • Artist-in-Residence Program at the Local Dump. There is not a whole lot of waste in San Francisco. The city has a terrific recycling program and has recently started offering composting as well. However there is inevitably some waste that comes to the landfill. And some of it goes right back out again because the landfill has an artist-in-residence program which encourages the recycling of this junk into art. There are art shows and events throughout the year to honor the program and the artists it supports.

San Francisco’s Most Fun Green Activities

In addition to visiting the city’s greenest buildings and attending its most popular green events, there are some other green activities that can be enjoyed in San Francisco. The best of those activities include:

  • Slow Food Events and Farmers’ Markets. The Slow Food movement is all about enjoying food that is clean, healthy, eco-friendly and fair to the people who grow it. There are quite a few Slow Food events in San Francisco throughout the year. On a related note, San Francisco hosts multiple farmers’ markets throughout each week where you can get healthy, earth-friendly, locally-grown food direct from the farmers who grow it. The most popular of these farmers’ markets is held at The Ferry Building which was honored last year as a winner of a prestigious green building award.
  • Ride the Ducks. The ducks are a combination land/sea tour through the city of San Francisco. Riding them teaches you some of the history of the city and gives you a great view of the skyline from the bay. It’s one of the best tours of the city that there is. And since the vehicles for this tour recently switched to bio-diesel it’s a green activity for you to enjoy.
  • Aquarium of the Bay. The best aquarium in San Francisco is probably the one that’s located at the California Academy of Sciences but you shouldn’t neglect this other aquarium. It’s a fun place in a great location (Pier 39) and it provides visitors with a great education about the ecology of the area.
  • Cocktails at Elixir. There is a new movement called the Green Cocktail movement which encourages people who enjoy their alcohol to drink earth-friendly organic cocktails. Elixir is the best place in San Francisco to try these green drinks although many bars in the city do have the fresh ingredients that go into these cocktails.
  • Walking Tours. What’s greener than just getting out and walking around powered by your own energy? San Francisco offers a large number of walking tours. There is even one group, City Guides, that offers over 300 different walking tours which are all free (by donation).

You can also check the Bay Area EcoCalendar for upcoming green activities.

Getting to San Francisco’s Green Events

It’s easy to get around San Francisco in an eco-friendly way. The best thing to do for yourself and the earth is, of course, to walk. But if you’re looking for other green transportation options then you’ll find those here as well:

  • San Francisco’s eco-friendly public transportation. San Francisco is a city where it is fairly easy to get around by public transportation. This is green in and of itself but the city has gone out of its way to invest in the greenest public transportation possible. The city is even going so far as to install green solar-powered bus stops!
  • Green Ferry. People frequently take ferries to get around the San Francisco Bay. Hornblower has a boat that is totally green; it’s powered by wind power, solar panels and hybrid batteries. This one goes to Alcatraz so if you’re planning on doing that popular tourist attraction then do it as green as you can.
  • San Francisco’s green cabs. San Francisco is one of the only cities in the world to have a set of taxi cabs that are specifically designed to be green. There are only a few of these cabs located around the city right now but they’re easy to spot because they’re green. They cost the same as any other taxi so flag one down if you see one while looking for a ride. If you’re more of a limo kind of person then you’ll be happy to know that eco-limo drivers also operate in San Francisco.
  • Zipcar in San Francisco. San Francisco is one of the cities that participates in the Zipcar car sharing program. (There is also a City Car Share program that is similar). Car sharing is a great way to have a car in the city without being too un-green.
  • San Francisco’s bike community. A lot of people hesitate to bicycle in San Francisco because the city’s steep hills intimidate them. However there are a lot of other people who love to bicycle here. There’s a big bike community that you can choose to be a part of if that strikes your fancy. In addition to the annual bike-pedal powered music festival mentioned above, there are ongoing bicycle-related events like the monthly Critical Mass ride. There is also a bike repair co-op in the city where you can fix your bike for cheap as needed.

There are Even Green Coupons in San Francisco

San Francisco might be one of the most expensive cities in the world in terms of rent prices but it balances itself out by offering a lot of free and cheap things to do. Since being green is so popular here you’ll find a lot of offers for discounts if you take green actions. For example, you can get into some performance events for free or cheap by bringing donated goods to recycle. And there is actually an entire coupon book, called the Green Zebra, which gives you discounts to local green businesses. This coupon book is similar to the oh-so-familiar Entertainment book except that all of the coupons are for San Francisco based small businesses that qualify as green in some manner. You can use it to find green things to do and to do them at a bargain.

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The Steepest Streets and Crookedest Streets in San Francisco

November 15th, 2009 · san francisco

Crookedest San Francisco Street?

Crookedest San Francisco Street?

San Francisco is one of the least fun cities in the world to drive in but one of the best cities in the world in which to be the passenger in a car. That is because the streets are narrow, curvy and difficult to navigate which can be stressful for you if you’re the driver. As a passenger, though, you get all of the pleasure of the drive. As you peak at the top of an amazingly steep hill you can see the road drop off below you and you can gaze at an amazing view of the city or the bay. As you wind down the city’s crookedest streets you can enjoy the fun of the silly ride as well as the views that lay before you. Any trip to San Francisco should include a drive along some of the steepest or crookedest streets in San Francisco whether you get a car yourself or have a cabbie take you.

The Steepest Streets in San Francisco

If you spend a few hours walking around the city of San Francisco then you might be convinced that there isn’t a street in this city that fails to be steep. There are so many hills all around the city that each one can start to feel steeper than the next. However, there really are less than a dozen hills that truly qualify as the steepest of the steep in this city. If you’re walking then these streets will provide a great workout. If you’re driving then they’ll give you the chance to see some great views.

The steepest street in San Francisco on which you can drive is Filbert Street between Leavenworth and Hyde. This is one of the most popular areas for people to drive if they are looking for a fun ride. That is because this hill crests sharply so that your car almost hovers on its back wheels and you can’t even see the road below you until you start to go down the hill. The street is a one-way street which faces the East Bay and gives you a great view of the Financial District before you drive down it. This street is sometimes called Watermelon Hill, a name that became fairly well known in 1996 when a David Letterman clip aired showing him rolling watermelons and other objects down this steep grade.

Filbert Street actually shares the honor of being the city’s steepest car-navigable street with another street: 22nd Street between Church and Vicksburg. This one is located in the Noe Valley neighborhood and is also a fun street to drive. Both of these streets are inclined at a 31.5% grade which ranks them among some of the steepest streets in the entire world where cars are allowed to drive.

There are seven other streets that commonly show up on lists ranking the steepest streets in the city. All of these streets are between a 24% grade and a 29% grade so they aren’t quite as dramatic as Filbert and 22nd Street are but they’re a little bit easier on the legs if you are walking. Those streets are:

• Jones between Union and Filbert (29% grade)
• Duboce between Buena Vista and Alpine (27.9% grade)
• Jones between Green and Union (26% grade)
• Webster between Vallejo and Broadway 26% grade)
• Duboce between Alpine and Divisadero (25% grade)
• Jones between Pine and California (24.8 grade)
• Fillmore between Vallejo and Broadway (24% grade)

Of course, there are going to be some people who really want to challenge themselves by walking up the steepest streets in San Francisco. Filbert and 22nd Street are both a great challenge but they actually are not the steepest streets in the city for people who are on foot. There are two short sections of city streets which are actually steeper than these are and where cars are not allowed to go. If you want to get a serious workout then check out the section of Stanyan Street and Belgrave which is at a 33% grade or the section of Broderick Street between Broadway and Vallejo (a sidewalk-only area) which is a full 38% grade. Happy climbing! Enjoy the views!

The Crookedest Streets in San Francisco

The steepest streets in San Francisco are a lot of fun to drive and a nice challenge to walk but some people prefer to visit the crookedest streets in the city. Although these are also steep, they aren’t nearly as steep as the aforementioned streets. Instead, these streets are fun because they curve and wind and create a fun little ride for you in your car. The most famous of these streets is, of course, Lombard Street which has been called The Crookedest Street in the World. This famous portion of the street between Hyde and Jones is a pretty, well-landscaped curvy one-way road that draws dozens of tourists every day.

Although Lombard Street is the most famous crooked street in the city, many people say that it is technically not the crookedest street that exists. That honor goes to Vermont Street between 20th and 22nd Streets. This street, located in the Potrero Hill neighborhood, isn’t as pretty or as popular as Lombard Street but it’s gained some fans over the years because of its curves. In fact, it is the current site of an annual Easter event called Bring Your Own Big Wheel during which adults race Big Wheels down the hill. This event used to be held on Lombard Street but moved a few years back when the crowds that it drew became upsetting to Lombard Street residents.

Another street that interests many people is 22nd Street at Collingwood. This street isn’t as curvy as the other two but it does hold the distinction of including a complete 180 degree curve which makes it the street with the sharpest curve in the city. It’s a fun one to drive and rather dramatic at that point. People who are interested in checking out both the steepest and the crookedest streets in the city will often head to 22nd where they can get the best of both worlds in one short trip.

Finally, it’s worth noting that there’s a great little curvy driveway in San Francisco which is located on the north side of Broderick Street between Broadway and Vallejo. The driveway is a private drive which leads directly into a garage so you can’t drive down it or even walk down it. However, it’s neat because it looks almost exactly like Lombard Street without all of the flowers or tourists. People also like going to check out this little-known attraction because of the fact that all of the homes in this area are amazing mansions which are fun to view even just from the outside. This gives you a lot of neat stuff to see on foot and there are some terrific views of the Bay near this area.

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Complete Guide to Finding Free or Cheap SF Activities

November 6th, 2009 · Activities

San Francisco is well-known as one of the most expensive cities in the world. It’s true that it costs a small fortune to be a resident of San Francisco because rents are high and parking fees can be astronomical. Nevertheless, many people do find a way to make it in this city and most of them aren’t earning an impressive salary. One of the ways that residents compensate for all of the money that they spend on rent is to find activities and entertainment that are free or cheap. There are a lot of different things to do in this city that fall into that category. In fact; you can find something free to do almost every day of the week if you know where to look. Here’s your guide to finding all of that inexpensive stuff that locals are busy enjoying.

Best Websites for Finding Free / Cheap Things to Do

The easiest way to find things to do for free or cheap in San Francisco is to head to the Internet. There are several great websites that are specifically focused on offering exactly this type of information. There are also a few sites that offer general activity information which can guide you to good free stuff to do.

 Squid List. This is a great site to check out if the events that interest you are those events which are related to art, culture and technology (which covers just about everything, right?) It lists events by date and time (so you can check out everything that is going on today or tomorrow) and then provides links which you can follow to get all of the details. It’s a really great site for finding out the basics about what is going on for cheap in the city today.

• FunCheapSF. This website is set up in a style similar to the Squid List but the events that it advertises tend to be more family-friendly and less off-the-wall than those on the other site. It’s a must-check-out site for anyone who wants to know what is happening in any given week that isn’t going to cost an arm and a leg.

• Bay Area on the Cheap. This site is more of a blog site that provides information about the latest discounts on different things that are going on in the city. This one sometimes has really great deals and sometimes tends to be pricier than the other sites but it’s a good starting point to find out what is going on and about how much it would cost you to participate in it. People who are looking for affordable tickets to mainstream events will find that this is a good resource.

• Goldstar. Another good site for tickets is Goldstar. You join it (for free) and then you can get access to half off tickets for a variety of different types of events in the city. Sometimes there are even free tickets (plus a small handling charge) available through this site.

• Craigslist. Checking out the “activities” and “events” sections of San Francisco’s Craig’s List is always a good way to see what’s going on. It’s a hit-and-miss kind of calendar because people post all types of things on here and some of them do cost money but it shouldn’t be ignored as a site to review if you’re trying to find something to do.

• Meetup,com. This site is more of a social networking site but if you’re going to be in the area for an extended period of time then it’s worth checking out. You join groups based on your interests and then meet up with those groups to do various things. If you’re interests are in doing things that are free/cheap then you just need to locate the groups who are doing those things and participate in what they’re inviting you to attend.

• SF Station. This is probably the most comprehensive site available for finding out what is going on in San Francisco on any given day. You can narrow down your listings to a single day, neighborhood or type of event. Unfortunately, they don’t offer a “free/cheap” category to peruse so you have to wade through the pricey stuff to find the free stuff.

Look at the Calendars for Things That Interest You

In addition to the calendars that offer general information about a variety of different types of events in San Francisco, there are a lot of calendars available for people who are interested in very specific free things. If you have a niche that you’re looking at then you can find calendars related to that niche and look for the free events on those calendars. Examples include

• Business. If you are interested in business then you’ll want to check out the calendars for the local SBA, SCORE and the Renaissance Entrepreneurship Center. All of these places offer free classes and lectures related to business and networking.

• Theatre. What if you’re into drama? Check out the calendars for specific theatres or check out blogs for those types of events to find the cheap ones. (Theatre Bay Area is a good place to start.) If you’re interested in burlesque then you can learn about events from San Francisco Burlesque Review. If you’re interested in comedy then check out SF Standup.

• Literary. There are tons of literary events to check out in San Francisco. If that’s what appeals to you then your best bet is to look at the individual calendars for the different bookstores in the city which regularly host free readings and events.

• Outdoor activities. If you like the outdoors then check out calendars from stores that sell outdoor items. For example, REI offers a number of classes and outings that are free or cheap.

Some Specific Regular Activities that are Free or Cheap

There are some places in San Francisco which offer free activities on a regular basis. The most popular of these include.

• Free days at museums. Almost all of the local museums offer free days and half-price days at least once a month. Many also offer special events which not only have affordable admission but also bring interesting new things to the museum.

• Guided walking tours. There are many guided walking tours in the city and a lot of them are free. Check out SF City Guides to get you started.

• Library. The local library is another host of ongoing free events. Stop by the information desk at any local branch to find out what’s going on.

Consider What Is Free Elsewhere and Find It Here

Don’t forget that there are some activities that are free all year round. You know about these because you have enjoyed them in other cities and you juts need to know how to find them in San Francisco. Examples include:

• Parks. San Francisco has a great parks system which you can enjoy for free. Golden Gate Park is the best park of course but there are smaller parks all throughout the city. Dolores Park is popular since it offers a really great city view.

• Fairs and festivals. Wandering around street fairs doesn’t cost much and it’s something that you can do almost all year long in San Francisco!

• Outdoor movies. Many cities offer free outdoor movie events throughout the summer and San Francisco is no exception. Films are shown outdoors at several parks as well as at Union Square.

• Tourist attractions. There are some tourist attractions in any city that are free to check out. Don’t neglect them in San Francisco. These include the Sutro Bath Ruins, Coit Tower, the sea lions at Pier 39, the street performers at Fisherman’s Wharf and a walk across the Golden Gate Bridge. Another cheap attraction is an old arcade called Musee Mechanique which is located at Fisherman’s Wharf.

• People watching and window shopping. You can always just enjoy sitting down somewhere and watching people go by. This is a great city for that since there are so many unique people here! Or you can go to the shopping districts and do some window shopping.

Papers to Pick up to Find Free or Cheap Activities

If you’re still looking for more things to do then you just need to turn to the local newspaper bins and calendars to find out what is going on in the city. A lot of these events will be free or cheap.

• SF Weekly. This is a number one choice for finding out what’s going on in the city. Find it in streetside bins and local coffee shops.

• Guardian. There are sometimes things listed in here that are of interest.

• Neighborhood newspapers. Some neighborhoods put out there own little papers. Check coffee shops for these.

• Fliers. There are fliers for things everywhere you look in San Francisco. Pay attention to them and you’ll find it easy to find affordable things to do.


A quick note on the fact that it is indeed possible to find cheap eats in San Francisco even though there are a lot of expensive restaurants. For tips on the best affordable spots check out Bargain Bites, Citysearch, Urbanspoon and GrubGirl.

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Where You Do and Don’t Want to be on Halloween in SF

October 30th, 2009 · Activities, san francisco

Halloween in San Francisco is an interesting holiday. On the one hand, this is a city where nearly every resident has a closet filled with costumes that are used at various events all throughout the year. These people often outdo themselves at Halloween which makes San Francisco a terrific city for people who really want to get dressed up to party amidst a bunch of frivolous adults. However, there’s a mark of ugliness that hangs over this holiday in San Francisco as well. The Castro has long been considered a top neighborhood for Halloween parties and yet it’s also been the site of several Halloween fights, riots and shootings. So, do you want to do Halloween in San Francisco? Absolutely but where you do and don’t want to be on this holiday depends on what you’re looking for.

The Castro on Halloween

For many years, the place to be on Halloween was in the Castro. This gay nightlife section of the city really knew how to do Halloween right. People would dress up in elaborate costumes and hop from bar to bar to show off what they were wearing. Sometimes the streets were shut down for a city-sponsored Halloween block party. But then things started to get too crazy here. The crowds got too big and the city started to lose control over the event. In 2006, there was a shooting at the event. After that, the city stopped sponsoring Halloween in the area. Many bars and stores had to close down early on Halloween to prevent such a problem from occurring again. The Castro just isn’t the place that it used to be for Halloween. In 2009, bars will be allowed to be open but there will no block party and it’s expected to be a relatively quiet night on the streets of this neighborhood in comparison with years past. Is it safe to spend Halloween here? Probably but it’s not the top choice for a lot of people for Halloween 2009. If you’re sad about the fact that the Castro’s Halloween just isn’t the same as it used to be then you might want to spend your Halloween evening checking out the 8 pm showing of an opera called Halloween in the Castro which humorously describes all of the things that went wrong for this holiday here.

Top Halloween Parties and Events for Adults

So where do you want to be for Halloween 2009 if you’re an adult who is looking to get into costume and to party with other adults? Here are the top choices:

• Wonderland at Ruby Skye.  The event of the year is reported to be this three-night long Alice in Wonderland themed music/dance/costume event. The party starts on Thursday and goes on through Halloween night with the cost for a weekend pass being priced at $55. The club spent $20,000 on props so you should get your money’s worth.
• Exotic Erotic. This famous party isn’t actually held on Halloween but it’s considered a top Halloween costume event by many San Franciscans. This fetish event is an expo and ball filled with live porn stars, burlesque performances, costumes galore and more than most eyes can handle. 2009 marks the 30th anniversary of the event which takes place the weekend before Halloween. 
• Silly Cil’s 10th Annual Freakshow. This SoMa Halloween event is filled with fun that’s been inspired by the 1930’s circus scene. Expect to see aerial artists, jugglers and a lot of sexy silly costumes at this $30 event. Is it worth the money? It’s one of the most fun events in the city if you’re looking for a Halloween event that you’ve got to pay to attend. It runs from 9-2 at Terra Gallery.
 Drop Dead Sexy Block Party.  This event looks like it’s going to be a lot of fun. You pay a little bit of cash to get in ($40 for a wristband) but that gives you access to six clubs that combined together have twelve bars and eleven dance floors. A lot of sexy costumed characters will be out and about here so it’s not likely that you’ll get bored. Just remember that you’re on the street with all of San Francisco’s strip clubs so if you’re not into the seedy thing then you may want to look for a tamer event.
• Nightmare on Van Ness. This event is being held on Halloween Night at the Regency Center. Adults can come in costume and dance to the sounds of a number of different DJs in multiple dance rooms at this hot club night. The party runs from 9pm – 4am so if you’re looking for a late night party then this could be a good choice.

Top Halloween Events for Families

What if you’ve got little ones that you want to take to events on Halloween in San Francisco? Top 2009 choices for families include:

• Creature Features at the Exploratorium. This San Francisco science center is a fun attraction all year long. They’re holding a special event with spooky interactive exhibits from 3-8 on Halloween.
• Children’s Garden Costume Walk. Earlier in the day (from 12 – 2) you can take your kids to the ninth annual costume walk at the Yerba Buena Gardens. There are lots of interactive events here for kids age 10 and under. This one is always a lot of fun.
• Halloween at Randall Museum. This downtown museum is doing a day of Halloween events and activities from 10 – 2. It features live entertainment, crafts and games in addition to the usual museum exhibits.
• Boo at the Zoo. The week before Halloween is when you can take the little ones trick-or-treating at the San Francisco Zoo at their popular annual event. Come anytime between 10 and 4 on either the 24th or the 25th and your costumed kids can trick-or-treat while seeing the animals and participating in Halloween-themed activities.

Some Places to Skip on Halloween

In addition to avoiding the Castro, you might want to skip these Halloween events and we’ll tell you why:

• Supperclub’s Dark Dining Event. This hot spot is doing an interesting dining-in-the-dark event for Halloween this year. Why wouldn’t you want to check it out? Because Supperclub is a cool space that you should actually go to when you can see what it’s all about. And besides, there’s another dining-in-the-dark venue in San Francisco (Opaque) where you can enjoy this experience on any other night of the year. Supperclub does, however, have several DJ’d Halloween events happening on the 30th and 31st which could be worth checking out. See their calendar for details.
• City Hall Haunted Ball. This is another one of the many multi-room dance events that you can choose from for Halloween. It’s a popular event that happens every year so why would you want to skip it? It costs $35 to get in and it’s really meant mostly for those people who want to rub shoulders with the see-and-be-seen types of the city. We’re not saying it’s not fun; but for the money you might as well check out one of the other dance events mentioned above.
• Teatro ZinZombie. Teatro Zinzanni is a dinner-and-a-show that turns into a special ghoulish cabaret event for Halloween night. Although the food is decent and the show is entertaining, the price for the event is high. Tickets cost about as much as you would pay to see a show of much higher caliber (such as Cirque du Soleil) plus there are additional charges for drinks and even for being seated when you arrive.
• HallowScreen at The Walt Disney Family Museum. This new San Francisco museum is showing clips from Halloween films all day long. While that may be fun, it’d be better to check out this place when you actually have time to enjoy the whole museum with your kids. A holiday probably isn’t the best choice for a first trip here and since the museum just opened it’s almost certainly going to be your first trip. Put this spot on the calendar for later in the year instead.

The Bottom Line

If you’re a San Francisco resident then your best bet is probably to find a local house party to attend. All of the good events in the city cost a bit of money plus you have to pay for your drinks (although some of them are well worth the cost if you have the money to spend). If you’re a visitor and a house party is out of the question then any of the events listed here should make you happy with your San Francisco Halloween.

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